DEOS Partners

University of Delaware

University of Delaware:
DEOS is located within the Department of Geography and Spatial Sciences at the University of Delaware. DEOS is an important research tool for the university through its ability to provide historical and real-time environmental data for many research programs.

State of Delaware

State of Delaware:
DEOS provides Delaware with a comprehensive observation network that supports many of the State's ongoing missions. Through the funding provided by the State, DEOS is able to maintain its day-to-day operations and ensure the network's reliability for the State and its citizens. DEOS was critical to Delaware becoming the first state to be declared Storm Ready. A key criterion of this certification is the ability of the state to monitor its weather conditions in real-time and to have a readily available system by which to utilize this data. DEOS is the source for this information for the State of Delaware.


Delaware Emergency Management Agency (DEMA):
Through DEOS, the emergency management community in Delaware has access to reliable, real-time environmental conditions across Delaware in one location. DEOS also provides a real-time alerting system to emergency managers, which sends notifications when critical environmental conditions occur in our region.


Delaware Department of Transportation (DelDOT):
DEOS operates and maintains a snow monitoring network for DelDOT, which provides snowfall measurements for the State's snow removal reimbursement program. DelDOT also uses the DEOS alerting system to monitor environmental conditions during inclement weather events.


Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control (DNREC):
DEOS assists DNREC with several important projects. DEOS supports the Delaware Coastal Flood Monitoring System , which serves as an early warning system for the effects of coastal storms. DEOS also integrates water quality data from DNREC's water quality program into the Delaware Water Quality Portal. Since 2015, DEOS has operated real-time water level monitoring stations on ponds behind high hazard dams across Delaware in support of the state's Dam Safety program.

DEOS Data Partners

These agencies provide data to DEOS through readily accessible internet data feeds or through direct access to their stations. The data provided by these groups are critical to providing a comprehensive environmental observing system across Delmarva.

DEOS Station Partners

These agencies and organizations have either allowed DEOS to locate stations at their facilities, provided funding for the purchase of a station, or provided infrastructure to support a DEOS station.